the christmas list

with two finals left, and less than two weeks left in the crazy 'co', i will be making the trek home for christmas. i have been itching to go home since early november and with the home stretch (literally) in view, i am finalizing my list. not just any list, it is The Ultimate Christmas Vacation To-Do List. it is a work in progress, but at culmination it will be a true masterpiece. here's a hint of the good stuff:
- make a snowman.
- cook and bake some new things in the kitchen/make a mess & clean it up.
- scope out the collection of movies at the library.
- make my way through a few of the books on my list.
- sign up for a short-term gym membership - definitely will not be braving my outdoor runs.
- learn to swim properly for my first triathlon next may.
- drive my mom's car/suv-ish vehicle.
- drive my dad's truck (the pattern with a reliable car....).
drive my brother's truck... probably won't happen- go snowmobiling.
- never leave the house for a whole 24 hours, while in some form of pajamas or sweats.
- bundle up in twenty layers and venture into a blizzard to take pictures.
- a trip to mankato.
- a trip to sioux falls.
- a trip to the twin cities.
- go see this movie.
- hit up the local wal-mart. (by local, i mean "closest": 20 minutes east on the interstate).
- enjoy some warm coffee at the downtown spot: coffee choices.
- drive around town looking at christmas lights with my dad.
- see friends.

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