Thursday, November 12, 2009

growing up is overrated

last night an excursion to the local barnes & noble for no reason at all filled up my evening. my fascination with books evolved when i was just a little tike, subjected to hours upon hours of my sister's "story time". something that i am greatly appreciative of, possibly more now than i was back then. but because of her i am constantly looking for good books to read and always welcoming suggestions (hint, hint).

my adventure became a time warp as i decided to venture to the deepest corner of the store: the children's section. i reminisced on classics that i had memorized as a kid and i couldn't help but open and skim the pages of several. as i usually do at all bookstores, i assumed my position: indian style right in the middle of the aisle (possibly the one place it is actually viewed as normal. or not.) i looked over a plethora of books: chicka chicka boom boom, corduroy, amelia bedelia, and dr. suess galore. it was magnificent. and then.... they were spotted. the books of children's poems. and it just so happened they had two of my favorites:

both masters of an absurd literary style. their poems were crazy and near rebellious at times, but i loved them obsessively. my sister would occasionally read one or two to me here or there when taking a break from the novels, and once i learned to read i began to read them myself. i will bless you with a favorite from each. enjoy.

by shel silverstein

i made myself a snowball
as perfect as could be.
i thought i'd keep it as a pet
and let it sleep with me.
i made it some pajamas
and a pillow for its head.
then last night it ran away,
but first -- it wet my bed.
Shel Silverstein (1996 - Falling Up)


homework! oh, homework!
by jack prelutsky***
homework! oh, homework!
i hate you, you stink!
i wish i could wash you
away in the sink.
if only a bomb
would explode you to bits.
homework! oh, homework!
you're giving me fits.
i'd rather take baths
with a man-eating shark,
or wrestle a lion
alone in the dark,
eat spinach and liver,
pet ten porcupines,
than tackle the homework
my teacher assigns.

homework! oh, homework!
you're last on my list.
i simply can't see
why you even exist.
if you just disappeared
it would tickle me pink.
homework! oh, homework!
i hate you, you stink.

Jack Prelutsky (1984 - The New Kid on the Block)

*** if i can recall accurately, which i most assuredly can, i recited this masterpiece in the 7th grade for my english class. you're welcome mr. e.


twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. so throw off the bowlines. sail away from the safe harbor. catch the trade winds in your sails. explore. dream. discover.

-mark twain


life's a dance, you learn as you go....

above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony. and let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. for as members of one body you are called to live in peace. and always be thankful.

colossians three : fourteen - fifteen

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