Sunday, October 18, 2009

what a discovery.

currently, I am without a tv. for the most part it has probably been for the best, as i find other things to do rather than just sit in front of the tv mindlessly. on the downside, it has made my sports viewing (particularly the MLB postseason and NFL sundays) and psych viewing (USA network - great show, check it out) quite difficult and a cause for crashing. these crash spots have consisted of friends' houses/apartments and the student union building or the slc, our rec center, both on campus and just down the street. all very nice tvs (especially the friend's 54" HD - its almost life-like), so no complaints. however, i am anxiously awaiting the day that i will buy my own, which should be in a month or two. until then... i will continue to crash and entertain myself mindlessly in other ways (my kitchen is spotless and my dancing skills are getting up to par), but sometimes these just won't do. my new found fix:

Storm Chasers on the Discovery Channel via

you can watch it here if you like.

my heart starts to race from just watching on my couch. storm chasing is on my list (see left column) and honestly, i don't know what it is that keeps me so enthralled. it's the one thing (perhaps there were a few more) that used to scare me to death as a child. it would give me nightmares (i once dreamt that a tornado was driving a tractor around our farm... weird, i know. i was young.). i would move half of my bedroom to the basement every time a storm threat came close. they're marvelous and horrifying at the same time, i can't help but watch, anticipating the day that i might be out there. until then, i'm watching and learning. thank you discovery. for my amazing... discovery.


twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. so throw off the bowlines. sail away from the safe harbor. catch the trade winds in your sails. explore. dream. discover.

-mark twain


life's a dance, you learn as you go....

above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony. and let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. for as members of one body you are called to live in peace. and always be thankful.

colossians three : fourteen - fifteen

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